Shake the Lake 2009 - General Informations about the Region

The Lake "Wolfgangsee" and the village "Bad Ischl" are situated in one of the most beautiful and picturesque regions of Austria!


Be inspired by the "vital vibes" of our region...!


Special thanks to our main sponsors:
trumer pils makes it shake!bmw makes it shake!mini makes it shake!miele makes it shake!
Thanks to our sponsors:
yamahaschlumbergermusterhausparkvoglauer hotel conceptschafbergbahnsparkasse bad ischl makes it shake!alpine makes it shake!lettner

Thanks to our partners:
kuk hofbeisl zu ischlscalariajeunes restaurateurs europeischler woche makes it shake!visualicsautriche pro france makes it shake!galleria home interiors makes it shake!union boogie club gmunden makes it shake!tanz and morekeywi-music salzburgwolfgangsee makes it shake!bad ischl makes it shake

Shake the Lake Boogie 'n' Blues Festival • Wolfgangsee -Bad Ischl • T +43 6132 277 570 • E-mail